Plan for March 2023: Market Research

Hi, lovely people! Today is the last day of February and it means that this is the time to summarize the achievements and losses of the month! And sure, it’s time to make the plan for the next episode! Regarding our plans for February (you can check it here) the main...

Plan for the Week (27/02-05/03) & Weekly Report

Hi guys, In this blog post, we would like to share with you our plans for the following week. And like week before, let’s summarize what we’ve achieved and what haven’t. Previous week Start working on a localization system We’ve started from small piece of work:...

Plan for the Week (20/02-26/02) & Weekly Report

Hi guys, In this blog post, we would like to share with you our plans for the following week. And like week before, let’s summarize what we’ve achieved and what haven’t. Previous week Create a script to deploy frontend node We’ve made it, and we’ll have...

Plan for the Week (13/02-19/02) & Weekly Report

Hi guys, In this blog post, we would like to share with you our plans for the following week. And like week before, let’s summarize what we’ve achieved and what haven’t. Previous week Start working on the localization We didn’t start to do it, because we decided to...

Plan for the Week (06/02-12/02) & Weekly Report

Hi guys, In this blog post, we would like to share with you our plans for the following week. And like week before, let’s summarize what we’ve achieved and what haven’t. Previous week Finalize internal testing We finished!  We still have a lot of ideas on how to...

Plan for February 2023: Personalization

Hi people! Today is the first day of February and it means that the new chapter of our journey begins! But before talking about the plans for February, we want to summarize the results of January. Let’s go! Regarding our plans for January (you can check it here)...