We are happy to announce our new feature on OptriSpace! Before this update contract participants didn’t know about the contract status changes, regarding this we decide to notify them about any contract changes via internal chat system. How it works: when...
We’ve added chat to contract page. A week ago chat was available only in job page and it was not useful (as it should be) if both participants have a contract already. They were needed to find a chat form somewhere. Now both participants are able to discuss or...
Hi guys! We’ve added a new function that allows you to stop or continue collecting applications for your jobs and tasks. Simply open your job card click “Suspend” button. That’s it! Confirm your choice in dialog window: If you would like to...
We’ve added Markdown formatting to make your descriptions more attractive for freelancers. Use it to power-up your tasks and bring attention to important things! If you don’t know what Markdown is, just check this link: https://commonmark.org/help/. It...
Hi guys, We’ve added email field to your profiles which allows us to implement new features for the platform (e.g. password restoration mechanism, notifications system, signing in via email). Thanks to @leurdo who helped us to implement this feature on the...