Endless corporate horror
Have you ever worked for a well-structured, big, centralized organization? If yes, you know exactly what corporate fighting is. Despite declared corporate values, vision, mission, and other buzzwords, each corporation is not a land of elves and fairies. This land is full of goblins, orcs and other dangerous creatures from hell and even elves behave with human beings like goblins from time to time.
That is nature consisting of two magic words ‘’Power” and “My”:
- “Power” is not so obvious as it seems to be, when we say power, we think about an ambitious go-getter at a CEO position, but it is not always so clear. Sales representatives leaving a company with their company’s client may probably say: “Those are my clients! I am taking what belongs to me!”. Certainly, this guy had power in the company, power of relations with their clients which is much stronger than the power of position. A guy who cheated his partners in a startup and escaped with something valuable and later successfully launched a new business also had power, power of anticipation.
- “My” is always quite an interesting word. How dangerous “my” can be recognized by a CEO who, inspired by modern books about flattened hierarchy, leadership, time of changes, etc., begins changes and provides people inside the company with autonomy. What do people start to do? They immediately start off trying “my” business inside a corporate business and challenging the boundaries. Well, Well .. soon the CEO will have to burn out all modern books and summon the good old guys. Their names are corporate compliance and corporate governance, and these tough guys finish all miserable innovations off!
Amazing stories! I like them very much as I like Hollywood horror movies.
Unfortunately, opposite to watching Hollywood movies you are an actor on a stage and must escape from hell creatures in corporate horrors. Certainly “Power” and “My” are engines of growth and evolution but endless horror resulting from evolution seems inevitable. If you are just a regular person, a corporation is not a suitable place for you.
Web2 – Unbalanced power
But what about Web2 champions like Facebook that solved the issues “Power” and “My” very easily. They decided that the best headache treatment is cutting off the head! They just deprived their customers from “Power” and “My” at all. You can’t even feel the horror just because you don’t have a head! Neither “power” nor “my”!
I like the Facebook approach to pages. They named them “business assets”.
Who is the owner of these assets and are these assets really mine? If yes, why can’t I sell out this asset to anybody I like? And why couldn’t I get my assets and go to another platform? Just because the real owner of the assets is Facebook.
As for power, I don’t even want to mention it. Compared to Facebook you are just nothing. So, Web2 provides an illusion of autonomy to allow you to create digital assets, but all assets belong to Web2 giants.
Just imagine how interesting it would be if Web2 allowed their users to operate with their content as with digital assets? If I am a guy who is brilliant at SMM I could:
- develop pages
- create valuable content
- increase user traffic with low customer acquisition cost
I could also monetize it after all to sell it out or launch “My Facebook” for professionals. That would create a new market, a tremendous giant market – Meta Business!
Markets of digital assets could be created by people and belong to people. Just move “Power” and “My” to customers. I believe it will never happen to Facebook just because good old guys will never be able to change their business model. If you are born with a “Centralized” gene you will never change it.
Web3 – Hercules in a cradle
What about Web3? Who was lucky to be born without this “Centralized” gene. What can this new business look like?
I don’t know the answer right now because right now there are no giants with a proven business model, but I can imagine such an organization in the field where I have been doing business for all my life.
This is software development.
And what should it look like? What is the offspring of good old guys like large IT companies or a Web2 platform? How could they treat “Power”? It could be like that:
- Power of Data – all information should be placed into blockchain
- Power of Access to Data – Front End should be freeware software; everybody should be able to get the software code from the repository and get access to data
- Power of Privacy – only owner of data can allow access to their private data
- Power of Leaving – owners of data can leave the platform with their own data
Moving Power to the community allows creating a solution that nobody can ban.
None of the authorities will be able to ban platforms till the community exists. If they ban one site, no problem, another site will appear immediately. If the blockchain gets under control, no problem, the community will move to another blockchain with their data.
And what about “My”? Where is my place of interest? There is always “My” for:
- Recruiters with strong relationships with best of the best developers
- Damn good sales representatives with strong relations with their clients
- Just genius sole software architects
- Talented SMM marketing guys
- Valuable content creators
The answer is simple. Just set up your own site using freeware software, get access to common business and do your business! You can become a “Node Creator” in a community:
- If you are recruiters and sales Representatives – just bring your developers and customers to “My” site – that is your site with your logo, color, photo, etc. Allow them to meet each other at Web3 platforms
- If you are a genius sole software architect and everybody wants to get access to you. Why not sell access to you on your own site? Just digitize your experience and sell it out at the highest price
- If you are a talented SMM or SEO marketing guy – setup “My site”, use your secret and get monetization from traffic. if you wish to sell “My Site” just sell it out
- If you are a content creator – launch “My site”, create your content and sell it
What kind of monetization can a “Node Creator” get? Any kind that the Web3 platform offers. These may be traditional fees for Web2 like:
- Transaction fees
- Access to Developer’s contacts
- Access to the platform
Or these may be fees from new digital assets like:
- Valuable Content
- Digitized profile, experience, data.
Or these may be fees from the new way of business.
Community can prove professional skills of developers and a customer shouldn’t spend time checking the professionalism of developers. It has already been done.
How much are the Fees? It should be decided by Node Creators. Those who bring value to the community have a right to vote.
As Optrispace team we’ve just made the first step into the brilliant future and soon we will launch a new version with two killer features:
- Power of Data – all information will be placed into blockchain
- Power of Access to Data – Front End will be freeware software everybody will be able to get the software code from the repository and get access to data.
That is just the first step.
What is your vision on how to move “Power” and “My” to people in Web3?