We’ve committed to have these tasks solved at the end of the January:

  • Launch MVP of the freelance platform which is completely stored on blockchain and managed by smart contracts. To solve this task we should fully rewrite our smart contracts and frontend to work together.
  • Make OptriSpace available on different domains without centralized backend servers. We would like have multiple platforms which are available on different domains and work with a single smart contract.

Expected results:

  • All data is stored in blockchain.
  • OptriSpace is fully decentralized (uses different frontends).

Additionally we would like to start working on Proof-of-Concept: Launch your business (website, node) based on the platform data. Community members will be able to run their own frontend node to earn money.

To have these tasks to be done, we need to find the following people:

  1. Smart Contracts Auditor
  2. Frontend developer (NextJS, React.js)
  3. Node Owners

If you are interested in helping us – please join our Discord server.